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Fact Sheet for Survivors of Loss
Publication ID: PEP25-01-006
This fact sheet includes information about the grief response, common grief reactions, and the varying time frame for grief. It also provides insight on how live while integrating the loss into their lives, potentially beneficial coping methods, and suggestions for how someone might access additional help.
Fact Sheet for People Helping Children and Youth Survivors of Loss
Publication ID: PEP25-01-005

This fact sheet contains information about some of the signs of grief and provides useful information about how to help a child or youth cope. In addition, it includes information about how to connect individuals to bereavement supports and when someone should reach out for professional help after a loss.

Tip Sheet: How to Support a Child through Grief
Publication ID: PEP25-01-004
This tip sheet provides insight on how to best support a child through grief including advice on what to say and ways to help. The document also provides resources to find support.
Tip Sheet: How to Support a Person who is Grieving the Loss of a Life
Publication ID: PEP25-01-003
This tip sheet shares advice on how to best support a person through grief, while still respecting their own unique process. The resource includes information about how to communicate with someone who is grieving, the warning signs an individual might need further help, and additional resources.