This fact sheet is for beneficiaries, peer supporters, family members, and the general public. This factsheet offer guidance for individuals and families on where to turn for assistance and what to do if you believe your rights are being violated.
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This fact sheet is for service providers and systems working to build recovery-oriented systems and networks statewide. This information will be used to shed light on recovery-oriented and person-centered practices to optimize its effectiveness and leverage its potential.

This infographic report highlighting substance use and mental health indicators among older adults aged 60 or older in the United States.

Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN): ED Visits Involving Alcohol Short Report presents the following data from January 2021-September 2023 (1) national estimates and characteristics of alcohol-related ED visits (2) demographics of alcohol-related ED visits (3) percent of ED visits related to alcohol and at least one other substance.

This report provides an update on the present state of coverage, availability of, and access to, medications for treating ongoing alcohol use disorder (AUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD) and reversing an opioid overdose within state Medicaid plans. It also includes examples of innovative efforts to increase access to medications for the treatment of SUDs.

This Quick Start Planning Guide will help you plan and host a results-oriented Communities Talk activity in your community. There are many ways to hold both in-person and virtual activities.

This guide and video gives parents information they can discuss with their college-bound young adults about the consequences of underage drinking.

This fact sheet is to inform parents how to effectively talk to their young adult about the risks of underage drinking.

This data visualization illustrates the correlation between alcohol use and other substance use to inform parents/guardians and communities.

This fact sheet provides data about trending alcohol use among girls and young women.
Displaying 1 - 10 out of 166