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2023 SAMHSA Policy Academy Supported Employment for Transition Age Youth Proceedings
Publication ID: PEP24-01-038
This document provides information to state leaders on selection, adaptation, implementation, and funding of evidence-based supported employment for transition age youth. It includes up-to-date information for states to set up effective programs to help youth become successful and reach employment and educational goals.
Tip Sheet: How to Support a Child through Grief
Publication ID: PEP25-01-004
This tip sheet provides insight on how to best support a child through grief including advice on what to say and ways to help. The document also provides resources to find support.
Fact Sheet for People Helping Children and Youth Survivors of Loss
Publication ID: PEP25-01-005

This fact sheet contains information about some of the signs of grief and provides useful information about how to help a child or youth cope. In addition, it includes information about how to connect individuals to bereavement supports and when someone should reach out for professional help after a loss.

Advancing Crisis Care and Beyond: 10 Technical Assistance Papers to Foster Well-being and Promote Personal and Community Safety
Publication ID: PEP24-01-030
This series of 10 papers aims to build upon the work being done to implement the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and the behavioral health services continuum that complements it. This series of papers also advances the work of prevention, safety, resiliency, and recovery, which complements the work in crisis services.
Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 2022: Admissions to and Discharges from Substance Use Treatment Services Reported by Single State Agencies publication cover
Publication ID: PEP24-07-023

The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) collects episode-level data on clients aged 12 and older receiving substance use treatment services from facilities that are licensed or certified by their respective single state agencies (SSAs). For each treatment episode, TEDS collects data on client’s characteristics, substance(s) used, the type and duration of treatment service(s) received, years of education completed, and national outcome measures (NOMs). The NOMs presented in this report include stability in housing, employment status, criminal justice involvement, social support, retention in treatment, and abstinence.

Strengthening Mental Health and Resilience after Community Violence: A Summary of Lessons Learned from ReCAST
Publication ID: PEP24-01-009

SAMHSA’s ReCAST program supports youth and families impacted by violence and other trauma through implementation of evidence-based violence prevention, and community youth engagement programs, and linkages to trauma-informed behavioral health services. This report highlights lessons learned from SAMHSA’s ReCAST grant program to uplift the voices of communities impacted by violence as well as share strategies other communities can implement to promote healing, recovery and resiliency.

Behavioral Health Best Practice Resources for Addressing Trauma and Violence
Publication ID: PEP24-01-032

This compilation of resources includes best practices on understanding, coping, and addressing trauma and behavioral health needs in the aftermath of violence. The list features resources for and about children, youth, and young adults; parents and caregivers; schools; and responders, as well as information about relevant SAMHSA programs.

Preventing Substance Use Among Young Adults with Disabilities
Publication ID: PEP24-06-003

This advisory highlights the need for primary substance use prevention programs for young adults ages 18 to 25 with disabilities, provides guidance to prevention specialists on designing and tailoring these programs, and describes factors that may affect the delivery of prevention.

Results from the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) thumbnail
Publication ID: PEP24-07-021

This report provides key findings from the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) on substance use, mental health, and treatment among the noninstitutionalized U.S. population aged 12 or older. Estimates are presented by age group and by race/ethnicity for selected measures.

Online Health and Safety for Children and Youth: Best Practices for Families and Guidance for Industry thumbnail
Publication ID: PEP24-01-012

The report provides a summary of the risks and benefits of social media on the health, safety, and privacy of young people; best practices for parents and caregivers; recommended practices for industry; a research agenda; and suggested future work, including for the federal government. The strategies described in this report aim to help protect the mental health, safety, and privacy of youth online, but it will take a whole-of-government approach in collaboration with researchers, industry, civil society, youth, parents and caregivers, and others.

Displaying 1 - 10 out of 263