This fact sheet contains information about some of the signs of grief and provides useful information about how to help a child or youth cope. In addition, it includes information about how to connect individuals to bereavement supports and when someone should reach out for professional help after a loss.
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SAMHSA’s ReCAST program supports youth and families impacted by violence and other trauma through implementation of evidence-based violence prevention, and community youth engagement programs, and linkages to trauma-informed behavioral health services. This report highlights lessons learned from SAMHSA’s ReCAST grant program to uplift the voices of communities impacted by violence as well as share strategies other communities can implement to promote healing, recovery and resiliency.

This compilation of resources includes best practices on understanding, coping, and addressing trauma and behavioral health needs in the aftermath of violence. The list features resources for and about children, youth, and young adults; parents and caregivers; schools; and responders, as well as information about relevant SAMHSA programs.

This tip sheet is designed for individuals impacted by gun violence and provides information about the signs of grief and anger, as well as how to cope with grief, including tips specific for helping children. In addition, a “helpful resources” section provides hotline numbers and treatment locators for those who may want further support.

The report provides a summary of the risks and benefits of social media on the health, safety, and privacy of young people; best practices for parents and caregivers; recommended practices for industry; a research agenda; and suggested future work, including for the federal government. The strategies described in this report aim to help protect the mental health, safety, and privacy of youth online, but it will take a whole-of-government approach in collaboration with researchers, industry, civil society, youth, parents and caregivers, and others.

This 2023 Comprehensive Plan builds upon the 2022 Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD). This 2023 Comprehensive Plan reports conclusively on the three-year Comprehensive Plan Targets established in the 2018 Plan.

This report provides guidance to decision-makers about how to identify and select the intervention(s) that will best serve their state or community, as required by the STOP Act.1 The STOP Act also requires the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD) to include in the report measures of states’ use of best practices in preventing and reducing underage drinking.

Es un recurso útil para que usen los padres, cuidadores y educadores después de un desastre o un evento traumático. Explica cómo ayudar a los niños y jóvenes hacer frente a estos eventos y además contiene una lista de recursos útiles.
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