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Online Health and Safety for Children and Youth: Best Practices for Families and Guidance for Industry thumbnail
Publication ID: PEP24-01-012

The report provides a summary of the risks and benefits of social media on the health, safety, and privacy of young people; best practices for parents and caregivers; recommended practices for industry; a research agenda; and suggested future work, including for the federal government. The strategies described in this report aim to help protect the mental health, safety, and privacy of youth online, but it will take a whole-of-government approach in collaboration with researchers, industry, civil society, youth, parents and caregivers, and others.

Comprehensive Plan for Preventing and Reducing Underage Drinking 2023
Publication ID: PEP23-003

This 2023 Comprehensive Plan builds upon the 2022 Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD). This 2023 Comprehensive Plan reports conclusively on the three-year Comprehensive Plan Targets established in the 2018 Plan.

State Performance & Best Practices for the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking 2023
Publication ID: PEP23-002

This report provides guidance to decision-makers about how to identify and select the intervention(s) that will best serve their state or community, as required by the STOP Act.1 The STOP Act also requires the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD) to include in the report measures of states’ use of best practices in preventing and reducing underage drinking.

Publication Cover
Publication ID: PEP23-03-001
The 2023 Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking includes national data on underage drinking patterns, the federally coordinated approach on underage drinking prevention and treatment, and information on the National Media Campaign: "Talk. They Hear You."®
Talking With Your College-Bound Young Adult About Alcohol: Parent Guide (Spanish version)
Publication ID: PEP23-03-10-018
This Spanish language fact sheet is to inform parents how to effectively talk to their young adult about the risks of underage drinking.
Tips for Talking With and Helping Children and Youth Cope After a Disaster or Traumatic Event: A Guide for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers (Spanish) thumbnail
Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-003

Es un recurso útil para que usen los padres, cuidadores y educadores después de un desastre o un evento traumático. Explica cómo ayudar a los niños y jóvenes hacer frente a estos eventos y además contiene una lista de recursos útiles.

Tips for Talking With and Helping Children and Youth Cope After a Disaster or Traumatic Event: A Guide for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers thumbnail
Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-012

A guide for parents, caregivers, and teachers on how to talk with and help children and youth cope in the aftermath of a disaster or traumatic event. It explains how to help children and young people cope with these events and also contains a list of useful resources.

Talking With Your College-Bound Young Adult About Alcohol - The Sound of Your Voice: Parent Guide PDF Cover
Publication ID: PEP23-03-10-017

This guide and video gives parents information they can discuss with their college-bound young adults about the consequences of underage drinking.

After High School: Talking With Your Young Adult About Underage Drinking PDF Cover
Publication ID: PEP23-03-10-016

This fact sheet is to inform parents how to effectively talk to their young adult about the risks of underage drinking.

State Reports, Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement 2022 - Alabama Cover
Publication ID: PEP22-005
The STOP Act requires an annual report on each State's performance in enacting, enforcing, and creating laws, regulations, and programs to prevent or reduce underage drinking.

Displaying 1 - 10 out of 52