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988 Separation Alert
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Treatment, Prevention and Recovery
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Es un recurso útil para que usen los padres, cuidadores y educadores después de un desastre o un evento traumático. Explica cómo ayudar a los niños y jóvenes hacer frente a estos eventos y además contiene una lista de recursos útiles.

A guide for parents, caregivers, and teachers on how to talk with and help children and youth cope in the aftermath of a disaster or traumatic event. It explains how to help children and young people cope with these events and also contains a list of useful resources.

Ofrece consejos y estrategias que pueden usar las familias de soccoristas para ayudarlos a adaptarse a la vida diaria cuando regresan a casa. Describe las cosas que se deben tener en cuenta al ajustarse al regreso de un ser querido, cuáles son las señales de estrés y cuándo se debe buscar ayuda.

This tip sheet describes aspects of the transition families go through when a member returns home after a disaster deployment. It also suggests ways that family members can navigate the transition and support the responder in coping with the return home.

This Advisory is based on TIP 39, Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Family Therapy. It surveys basic factors for programs and providers to consider when implementing family-related therapy approaches, goals and processes for conducting effective family counseling, and resources for further learning about family therapy techniques and models.

Parents and caregivers may not always understand and be able to identify behaviors in children and youth that are associated with adverse reactions to a disaster. This poster provides information on possible adverse reactions in children as well as where to get help.
¿Usted y su familia han sido afectados por un desastre?
Es posible que los padres y los cuidadores no siempre comprendan o no puedan identificar los comportamientos en niños y jóvenes que están relacionados con reacciones adversas a un acontecimiento catastrófico. Este póster ofrece información sobre las posibles reacciones adversas en los niños, así com.

This tip sheet describes common reactions after pandemics and other disasters and suggests ways to cope. It also covers financial stress and signs of the urgent need for mental health assistance and lists sources of help and support.
This newly updated Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) helps providers and administrators better understand how to include families in substance use disorder treatment and services. This TIP, first published in 2004, has been revised to reflect new research and developments.

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