This data visualization illustrates alcohol use among girls and young women, versus use among boys and young men. It also shares ways for parents, caregivers, or community members to respond and help girls and young women avoid alcohol use.
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This guide highlights strategies for behavioral health and housing providers to conduct outreach and engage with individuals experiencing homelessness, initiate use of behavioral health treatment as they wait to receive stable housing and retain them in their recovery efforts once housed.

This Advisory is based on TIP 51, Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs of Women. It offers guidance to providers and administrators about the particular needs of women during substance use disorder (SUD) treatment.

This Advisory is based on TIP 39, Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Family Therapy. It surveys basic factors for programs and providers to consider when implementing family-related therapy approaches, goals and processes for conducting effective family counseling, and resources for further learning about family therapy techniques and models.
This newly updated Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) helps providers and administrators better understand how to include families in substance use disorder treatment and services. This TIP, first published in 2004, has been revised to reflect new research and developments.

This guide provides individuals who provide or coordinate reentry services for women involved in the CJ system with resources for serving women who are reentering the community after a period of incarceration. It is a "checklist" of considerations when working with women who are justice involved.

This poster is for clients and their family members in OUD treatment who are pregnant or who are currently not pregnant but of childbearing age.

This fact sheet is for women who are pregnant or of childbearing age with an opioid use disorder

This information sheet, for practitioners, explains the importance of concurrent treatment of OUD with prenatal/postpartum care and the importance of providing the materials to clients.

This toolkit equips providers with information about depression, and offers strategies in working with mothers who may be depressed. The toolkit includes resources, referrals and handouts for depression, and screening tools for more serious depression.
Displaying 1 - 10 out of 18