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988 Separation Alert
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This Practical Guide provides key considerations for guiding people in the appropriate use of 988 and 911. It offers practical steps for integrating crisis care into daily practice, real world scenarios, sample scripts, and de-escalation techniques.

The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) collects episode-level data on clients aged 12 and older receiving substance use treatment services from facilities that are licensed or certified by their respective single state agencies (SSAs). For each treatment episode, TEDS collects data on client’s characteristics, substance(s) used, the type and duration of treatment service(s) received, years of education completed, and national outcome measures (NOMs). The NOMs presented in this report include stability in housing, employment status, criminal justice involvement, social support, retention in treatment, and abstinence.

Designed for professionals involved in disaster behavioral health planning, this guide provides an overview of disaster behavioral health and the planning process, description of relevant resources, and phases of plan development. It also features a disaster behavioral health planning checklist.

This tip sheet is designed for individuals impacted by gun violence and provides information about the signs of grief and anger, as well as how to cope with grief, including tips specific for helping children. In addition, a “helpful resources” section provides hotline numbers and treatment locators for those who may want further support.

Financing Peer Crisis Respites in the United States highlights the benefits of peer crisis respites within the recovery-oriented continuum of crisis care and identifies common components, operations, and funding of peer crisis respites in a national sample of programs across the United States.

The N-SUMHSS is a voluntary annual survey of all active substance use and mental health facilities in the United States, its territories, and D.C. The annual report presents findings on the key operational characteristics of substance use and mental health treatment facilities, use of pharmacotherapies, language assistance services, and suicide prevention assistance services.

This fact sheet is for beneficiaries, peer supporters, family members, and the general public. This factsheet offer guidance for individuals and families on where to turn for assistance and what to do if you believe your rights are being violated.

This fact sheet is for service providers and systems working to build recovery-oriented systems and networks statewide. This information will be used to shed light on recovery-oriented and person-centered practices to optimize its effectiveness and leverage its potential.
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