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Thumbnail image for Tips for Disaster Responders: Understanding Historical Trauma and Resilience When Responding to an Event in Indian Country
Publication ID: PEP22-01-01-005

This tip sheet is a revised/updated document discussing Historical trauma in Indian Country.

Tips for Disaster Responders: Cultural Awareness When Working In Indian Country Post-Disaster
Publication ID: PEP22-01-01-004

This tip sheet is a revised/updated document discussing Cultural Awareness working post disaster in Indian Country.

Thumbnail image for Adapting Evidence-based Practices for Under-resourced Populations
Publication ID: PEP22-06-02-004

This guide focuses on research supporting adaptations of evidence-based practices (EBPs) for under-resourced populations. Adaptations involve tailoring care, programs, and services to the cultural, social, gender, and demographic contexts of the people served to yield positive outcomes.

Evidence-Based and Culturally Relevant Behavioral Health Interventions in Practice: Strategies and Lessons Learned from NNEDLearn (2011-2020)
Publication ID: PEP21-05-02-001

This report provides findings from a qualitative analysis of evidence-based and culturally relevant behavioral health practices offered at NNEDLearn, a SAMHSA training, offered from 2011 to 2020. It includes an overview of NNEDLearn, case studies, strategies and lessons learned, and conclusion.

Advisory: The Substance Use Disorder Counseling Competency Framework: An Overview (based on TAP 21)
Publication ID: PEP20-02-01-017

This Advisory is based on Technical Assistance Publication (TAP) 21, Addiction Counseling Competencies: The Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Professional Practice. It discusses the development of the counseling competencies and the validated research on which they are based, provides a simplified overview of their structure and the elements of a typical competency, and outlines how these competencies are changing the field of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment nationwide. The Advisory also addresses the critical role of cultural competency.

Thumbnail image for Focus on Prevention
Publication ID: SMA10-4120

This manual helps communities plan and deliver substance use prevention strategies. It covers conducting needs assessments, identifying partners, and creating effective strategies for marketing and program evaluation. The manual also offers a sample timeline of tasks. Revised 2020

TIP 61: Behavioral Health Services for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Publication ID: SMA18-5070

TIP 61 provides behavioral health professionals with practical guidance about Native American history, historical trauma, and critical cultural perspectives in their work with American Indian and Alaska Native clients. The TIP discusses the demographics, social challenges, and behavioral health concerns of Native Americans. It highlights the importance of providers’ cultural awareness, cultural competence, and culture-specific knowledge. The TIP also helps administrators, program managers, and clinical supervisors foster a culturally responsive environment for American Indian and Alaska Native clients. Specific topic areas include workforce development strategies, program and professional development considerations, and culturally responsive policies and procedures.

Cover of Publication
Publication ID: SMA17-5032

This report highlights existing programs that address behavioral health disparities among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander boys and young men. It also outlines effective tools and best practices in working with this population.

Spotlight: Building Resilient and Trauma-Informed Communities – Introduction
Publication ID: SMA17-5014

The SAMHSA Spotlight Series highlights different approaches to building trauma-informed, resilient communities. This introductory issue present's SAMHSA's six principles of trauma-informed approach, and summarizes SAMHSA's community trauma initiative.

Suicide Prevention in Indian Country
Publication ID: SMA16-4995

This fact sheet, developed for tribal audiences and the agencies that work with them, reviews suicide prevention in Indian Country and how the 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention can apply to tribal communities.

Displaying 1 - 10 out of 38