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After Incarceration: A Guide To Helping Women Reenter the Community
Publication ID: PEP20-05-01-001

This guide provides individuals who provide or coordinate reentry services for women involved in the CJ system with resources for serving women who are reentering the community after a period of incarceration. It is a "checklist" of considerations when working with women who are justice involved.

Sequential Intercept Model Trifold Brochure
Publication ID: PEP19-SIM-BROCHURE

This brochure provides an overview of the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM). The SIM is a strategic planning tool that helps communities better understand the gaps and resources they have in helping those with mental illness or substance use disorders who are in the criminal justice system.

MAT Inside Correctional Facilities: Addressing Medication Diversion

This action brief provides criminal justice stakeholders, correctional facility leadership, & correctional staff with helpful strategies & techniques to reduce diversion of MAT medications. The information for this brief was developed by a panel of correctional leaders & experts throughout the US.

Data Collection Across the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM): Essential Measures
Publication ID: PEP19-SIM-DATA

This manual provides a starting place for jurisdictions looking to use data to better understand and improve the outcomes of people with mental and/or substance use disorders who come into contact with the criminal justice system.

Use of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Criminal Justice Settings
Publication ID: PEP19-MATUSECJS

This guide focuses on using medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder in jails and prisons and during the reentry process when justice -involved persons return to the community. It provides an overview of policies and evidence-based practices that reduce the risk of overdose and relapse.

Tailoring Crisis Response and Pre-Arrest Diversion Models for Rural Communities
Publication ID: PEP19-CRISIS-RURAL

This action brief provides rural communities recommended strategies for adapting promising or proven interventions to better support crisis response and pre-arrest diversion in their communities. It is the first of three briefs developed from the SAMHSA Pre-Arrest Diversion Expert Panel.

Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT): A Service Delivery Model for Individuals With Serious Mental Illness Involved With the Criminal Justice System
Publication ID: PEP19-FACT-BR

This brief provides an overview of Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)—an intensive service delivery model intended for people with serious mental illness who are involved in the criminal justice system.

Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System
Publication ID: PEP19-SCREEN-CODJS

This report provides evidence-based practices for screening and assessment of adults in the justice system with mental illness, substance use disorders, or both. It discusses the importance of instrument selection for screening and assessment and provides detailed descriptions of recommended instruments.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) in the Criminal Justice System: Brief Guidance to the States

This brief provides guidance to state governments on increasing the availability of evidence-based medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in criminal justice (CJ) settings. By including the criminal justice system as a path to treatment, states may see an increase in access to and retention in treatment, and lower rates of overdoses, re-offending, and re-incarcerations. In this brief, states are provided an overview of the issue, the challenges to incorporating MAT, key considerations for establishing MAT in CJ settings, and existing standards/guidelines.

Principles of Community-based Behavioral Health Services for Justice-involved Individuals: A Research-based Guide
Publication ID: SMA19-5097

This guide provides information and practices that behavioral health providers can implement in their daily practice with patients or clients who are involved in the criminal justice system.

Displaying 1 - 10 out of 18