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The Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) National Estimates from Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits, 2023 report provides weighted national estimates. The frequency of substance-related visits increased by 5.8 percent compared to estimates in 2022. Rates of all substance-related ED visits from participating hospitals were highest among individuals with the following characteristics: males (2,668 per 100,000), individuals who were not Hispanic or Latino (2,391 per 100,000), and Black individuals, after accounting for the underlying population (4,053 per 100,000 versus 1,736 per 100,000 in the next highest subpopulation). The top substances reported were alcohol, cannabis, opioids, methamphetamines, cocaine, and benzodiazepines.

This 2023 Comprehensive Plan builds upon the 2022 Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD). This 2023 Comprehensive Plan reports conclusively on the three-year Comprehensive Plan Targets established in the 2018 Plan.

This report provides guidance to decision-makers about how to identify and select the intervention(s) that will best serve their state or community, as required by the STOP Act.1 The STOP Act also requires the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD) to include in the report measures of states’ use of best practices in preventing and reducing underage drinking.

Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN): ED Visits Involving Alcohol Short Report presents the following data from January 2021-September 2023 (1) national estimates and characteristics of alcohol-related ED visits (2) demographics of alcohol-related ED visits (3) percent of ED visits related to alcohol and at least one other substance.

This Quick Start Planning Guide will help you plan and host a results-oriented Communities Talk activity in your community. There are many ways to hold both in-person and virtual activities.

This flyer-sized print public service announcement (PSA) encourages community members to advocate for youth substance use prevention and take the time to talk with kids about the risks and dangers of underage drinking and other drug use.

This wallet card–sized print public service announcement (PSA) encourages community members to volunteer their wisdom to kids and be prepared to support them and answer any questions they may have about alcohol and other drugs.

This square-sized print public service announcement (PSA) encourages community members to use their faith community to support kids and make sure they understand the risks and dangers of drinking alcohol and using other drugs.
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