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Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Prescription Drug Toolkit and Fact Sheets
Publication ID: PEP20-03-02-001

The EAP Prescription Drug Toolkit and Fact Sheets provide guidance related to counseling, referrals, and follow-up services (e.g., alternatives to prescription drugs, workplace drug misuse and relapse prevention, dangers of combined drug use, screenings, and evaluations before returning to work).

Cover of Publication
Publication ID: SMA16-4585KHMER

Lists questions consumers can ask themselves to help them decide whether to seek help for a substance abuse problem, a mental health issue, or both. Urges those who answered "yes" to any of the questions to seek help and lists resources for more information.

Cover of Publication
Publication ID: SMA15-4585

This brochure lists questions to ask yourself to help decide whether to seek help for mental illness, substance use disorders, or both. It urges people who answer "yes" to any of the questions to seek help and provides resources for more information.

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Publication ID: SMA15-4131

This guide educates substance use counselors and clinicians about detoxification and withdrawal. It addresses patient placement, detox services for specific substances, co-occurring disorders, financing issues, and screening and assessment tools.

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Publication ID: SMA15-3605

This guide provides strategies for clinicians who provide substance use disorder treatment to people who have experienced child abuse and child neglect. It lists symptoms of child abuse and neglect and presents screening questions, behavioral clues, and the role of child protective services.

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Publication ID: SMA15-4731

Contiene preguntas que los consumidores pueden hacerse para ayudarles a decidir si se debe buscar ayuda para un problema de abuso de drogas, de salud mental, o ambas cosas. Urge a los que respondieron "sí" a cualquiera de las preguntas, que busquen ayuda y contiene una lista de recursos dónde pueden obtener más información.

Cover of Publication
Publication ID: SMA14-4812RUS

Lists questions consumers can ask themselves to help them decide whether to seek help for a substance abuse problem, a mental health issue, or both. Urges those who answered "yes" to any of the questions to seek help and lists resources for more information

Cover of Publication
Publication ID: SMA14-4810VIET

Lists questions consumers can ask themselves to help them decide whether to seek help for a substance abuse problem, a mental health issue, or both. Urges those who answered "yes" to any of the questions to seek help and lists resources for more information

Cover of Publication
Publication ID: SMA14-4811CHIN

Lists questions consumers can ask themselves to help them decide whether to seek help for a substance abuse problem, a mental health issue, or both. Urges those who answered "yes" to any of the questions to seek help and lists resources for more information.

Cover of Publication
Publication ID: SMA13-4803

This guide reviews screening tools for alcohol use and interventions for pregnant women and women of childbearing age to prevent fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). It also outlines methods for identifying people living with FASD and modifying treatment accordingly. Access the literature review.

Displaying 1 - 10 out of 14